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LSU Writing Project Hosting a Saturday Writing Marathon on February 24, 2024

February 14, 2024

BATON ROUGE, LA - The LSU Writing Project is hosting a Saturday Writing Marathon on campus February 24, 2024. The LSU Writing Marathon will be held from 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM in 225 Peabody Hall. A Writing Marathon is simply an opportunity and dedicated time and location for writers to write, in community with others, but typically independently in terms of intended projects. A writing marathon offers the room to pursue an individual writing goal or project. When participating in a writing marathon, a writer can join for an hour, several hours, or the entire marathon time.

The Writing Marathon was initiated 20 years ago by Southeastern Louisiana's Writing Project Site which used the great city of New Orleans as its backdrop: New Orleans Writing Marathon. Marathons can take place over a day, or, over several days but the goal is the same: participants spend time writing. Since its beginning, writing marathons have spread to many sites globally.

The LSU Writing Project recognizes that graduate work is a time-consuming, effort-laden endeavor. The choice to pursue a graduate degree is a monumental decision and involves writing. In particular, pursuit of a terminal degree includes a commitment of time, energy, and mental effort. The journey to completing a dissertation can be long, lonely, and rigorous; a dissertation involves copious amounts of writing and what can feel like continual revising. Hence, participating in the LSU Writing Marathon can assist graduate students with writing goals.

No registration is required to participate in the LSU Writing marathon on Saturday, February 24, 2024. Beverages will be provided throughout the day. Bring your lap tops, devices, and ideas, and join us. Reach out with any questions to LSU WP Director, Margaret-Mary Sulentic Dowell, PhD and Write on!