This month, sixteen LSU students are being awarded a prestigious Benjamin A. Gilman scholarship by the US Department of State. This competitive scholarship program funds study abroad opportunities for students across the US, with the goal of developing global competencies in the next generation of US leaders (US State Dept.). Having sixteen LSU students receive this award is an incredible accomplishment – LSU students secured more Gilman awards than students at any other Louisiana university and attained the second highest number of awards in the SEC.

Ashley Neyer, LSU Director of Study Abroad, shared, “We’re excited to see LSU students engaging in transformative study abroad experiences with the support of Gilman. We believe it is imperative that LSU students have affordable cultural immersion experiences to become global citizens in a world that has proved to be more interconnected than ever before. It's truly exciting for us to see our students pursuing this nationally competitive award, and we take immense pride in the accomplishments of our awardees.”

The sixteen LSU recipients will begin their study abroad programs between the summer of 2024 and the spring of 2025. Recipients represent seven LSU colleges and fourteen different majors, and they will be studying in locations across four continents.

LSU’s Senior Internationalization Officer, Samba Dieng, commended Ashley Neyer and the entire LSU study abroad team “for their intentionality in seeking out opportunities to make the study abroad experience seamless and affordable for our students.”

Click here to learn more about study abroad programming and scholarships at LSU.