2024 School Professionals Networking Day
BATON ROUGE, LA - School Professionals Networking Day is a one-day recruitment program that partners schools and districts nationwide with students and alumni to network for full-time positions in the teaching, counseling, school librarian and media specialists, school psychologists, speech pathologists/therapists, audiologists, school leadership, social work and other school-based professional fields.
April 9, 2024
LSU Student Union Ballroom
Open Networking from 8:30–11 AM
This is an opportunity for students interested in a career in school professions to
meet with employers/schools/districts. Students can learn about what recruiters are
looking for, get tips on job searching, etc. Students should bring resumes to Open
Networking for employers to review. This is the only time to meet with employers in
a meet and greet networking style format.
Employer Lunch/Student Break from 11–11:45 AM
Optional Interviews from 11:45 AM–3:15 PM
Employers may elect to stay from 11:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. to conduct interviews with
candidates. Employers will arrange their schedules directly with candidates during
the networking portion event.
Register for the event on Handshake and contact Courtney Edwards at courtney@lsu.edu for more information.
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