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Upcoming DEI Talk on April 29th

DEI Talk from Dr. Khazem on 4/29/22

On April 29, 2022, Dr. Lauren R. Khazem will present a DEI Talk.

Title of Talk: Considerations for Clinical Work with the Disability Community

Date and Time: April 29th @ 2 PM - 3:30 PM

Brief Speaker Bio: Dr. Khazem received her Bachelor's in Psychology from Texas Tech University in 2013 and her PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Southern Mississippi under the primary mentorship of Dr. Mike Anestis. She is currently a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Health at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

Dr. Khazem's main line of research is focused on better understanding why the disability community, veterans, and military personnel experience disproportionate suicides. Additionally, her research focuses on improving efficacy , accessibility, and reach of interventions for suicide prevention and suicide risk assessment. Dr. Khazem has received multiple awards for her research in these areas, and her work has been funded by sources including the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the American Psychological Foundation, and the Department of Defense.


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